Ab dem 14. Februar 2024 ist die Touristenabgabe für alle ausländischen Besucher auf Bali obligatorisch.

Bali Tourist Levy Plattform


Verstärkte Aufsicht in Uluwatu unterstreicht Engagement für Kultur- und Umweltschutz

Treasure Bali - Nusa Penida

In a significant step toward enforcing the new Foreign Tourist Levy, the Bali Government Tourism Office undertook a focused monitoring operation at the iconic Uluwatu Tourist Destination in Badung. This initiative, conducted on Tuesday afternoon, falls in line with Bali Provincial Regulation Number 6 of 2023 and Bali Governor Regulation Number 2 of 2024, which detail the levy’s implementation and payment procedures for foreign tourists since its inception on February 14, 2024.

Under the leadership of Tjok Bagus Pemayun, the Head of the Bali Government Tourism Office, the monitoring effort not only seeks to ensure compliance but also serves as a crucial phase in the ongoing campaign to inform visitors about their contributions toward sustaining Bali’s cultural and environmental legacy.

Acknowledging the need for heightened awareness, Pemayun revealed plans to broaden the reach of their educational efforts. “We’re expanding our outreach through social media and partnerships with tourism stakeholders to ensure all visitors understand the importance and purpose of the levy,” he stated. This initiative aims to bridge the information gap and garner support for the levy, which is instrumental in funding environmental conservation and cultural preservation projects.

Feedback from the international community has been overwhelmingly positive, with tourists expressing support for the levy, provided its collection and utilization remain transparent.

The initiative has also received backing from local industry leaders. I Gusti Ayu Agung Inda Trimafo Yudha, Chairperson of the Indonesian Recreation Park Business Association (PUTRI), and Ida Bagus Agung Parta Adnyana, Chairman of the Bali Tourism Industry Association (GIPI), have both voiced their support. They emphasize the importance of leveraging the levy funds not only for environmental and cultural benefits but also for the broader advancement of Bali’s tourism sector.

The monitoring event at Uluwatu was a collaborative effort, featuring representatives from various organizations, including the Civil Service Police Unit of Bali and Badung Regency, the Indonesian Tourist Association (HPI) Bali, and the Association of The Indonesian Tours And Travel Agencies (ASITA) Bali, showcasing a unified approach to implementing this pivotal policy.

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